An alternative To single use bottled water

We believe pure drinking water is essential for optimum consciousness and an absolute living right for all. We are a small business startup created with a passion and expertise of condensation collection and atmospheric water systems. We are driven to modernize our community's water and energy infrastructure. 

Making the world a better place, one drip at a time.

Reduce your carbon footprint by creating water onsite. Stop contributing to the fossil fuel consumption needed to deliver bottled water. Stop the vicious disposable plastic bottle cycle. Enjoy and thrive on locally sourced water.

A regenerative water source

Create your own pristine, pure, and delicious drinking water onsite! We provide expert installation, maintenance, service and 100% technical support.  Customer Satisfaction is our priority and we guarantee ultra pure drinking water you will love! 


 Call or email us for pricing and a free Consultation


Visit for a complete list of Services


Peter Ghiulamila

dba Independent Environmental Consulting of San Diego County

+1 760 696 2758

Leucadia, CA


Questions? Inquiry? Stay in Touch!

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